Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Trump Reacts: ‘Iran’s Attack on Israel Wouldn’t Occur Under Our Leadership’

Former President Trump delivered a heated message to attendees at his rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, expressing strong disapproval of Iran’s attack on Israel and vowing that it should not have occurred.


According to Fox News, Trump, along with other GOP politicians, voiced concerns about President Joe Biden’s administration and its handling of the attacks.


“Before going any further, I want to say God bless the people of Israel. They’re under attack right now. That’s because we show great weakness,” Trump said.


“The weakness that we’ve shown is unbelievable, and it would not have happened if we were in office. You know that. They know that, and everybody knows that,” the former President added.


Trump said America is praying for Israel and is sending absolute support to everyone in harm’s way.


Israel witnessed an unprecedented air attack from Iran on Saturday being a retaliation against Israeli attack on its consul in Syria.