Trump, Kim, finally pull-off historic summit, sign nuclear disarmament agreement

NEWS DIGEST – President Trump warmly greeted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un here Tuesday and vowed to forge a new partnership, reversing decades of U.S. policy toward the rogue authoritarian regime in an extraordinary gamble that his personal attention would help break a cycle of nuclear brinkmanship and stave off a military confrontation.

In a historic meeting at Singapore’s secluded and opulent Capella resort, Kim called the nuclear disarmament summit with Trump a “big prelude to peace” and vowed, “I’m willing to do this.”

“We will solve this,” Trump responded, “and we will be successful.”

After more than four hours of meetings, the two leaders sat beside each other and signed what Trump called a “very comprehensive” agreement setting the path forward, but did not say whether it contains a specific pledge by North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons.

“We are starting that process very quickly. Very, very quickly,” Trump said when asked whether Kim had agree to the process of denuclearization.

document was not immediately released.

“We are very proud of what took place today,” Trump said before he and Kim shook hands a final time. “I think our whole relationship with North Korea and the Korean Peninsula is going to be a very much different situation than it has in the past. We both want to do something, we both are going to do something. We have developed a very special bond.”

Trump added: “We are going to take care of a very big and a very dangerous problem for the world.”

Kim thanked Trump for making the summit happen.

“Today we had a historic meeting and decided to leave the past behind,” Kim said through an interpreter. “The whole world will see a great change.”

Neither leader was specific about what the next step would be, although Trump said he would “absolutely” invite Kim to the White House.

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