President Bola Tinubu has extended scholarships to the children of the 17 soldiers who tragically lost their lives in the Okuama community, Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta state.

Additionally, he posthumously awarded national honors to the fallen soldiers during their burial ceremony at the military cemetery in Abuja on Wednesday.

Tinubu conferred the Members of the Order of Niger (MON) honor upon four deceased officers, while the remaining 13 soldiers were granted Officer of the Federal Republic (OFR) medals.

He expressed heartfelt sympathy to the families of the fallen officers, acknowledging their sacrifice in the pursuit of peace.

Furthermore, Tinubu urged the elders of the Okuama community to liaise with the military in identifying the perpetrators responsible for the tragic loss of the 17 soldiers.

“It is now our duty to protect the families of our departed heroes,” the president said.

“The federal government will provide a house in any part of our country to each of the families of the four officers and 13 soldiers.

“The federal government has also approved scholarships to all the children of the deceased up to the university level.

“The military must, within the next ninety days, ensure that all the benefits of the departed are paid to their families.”