Patriotism and Nigeria’s Leadership, By Chinedum Anayo

NEWS DIGEST – It is inherent that love drives every positive virtue in our society. A former Governor of Imo State, Senator Rochas Okorocha has recently stated that Nigeria needs a detribalized leader to change results. In view, Senator Okorocha spoke out of love for his country. What does Senator Okorocha mean by ‘detribalized’ ? Tribalism is a necessary problem in society. It could be a tool for nation-building and also a measure for disunity in Nigeria. Honestly, the average Nigerian is tribal; They advocate for tribal loyalty and consciousness. Indeed human evolution came with identity and mutuality. The proverb ‘birds of a feather flock together’ best describes the natural tendency to identify and conform with common interests and usages. Tribalism is more like social bonding amongst a certain group of individuals. Senator Okorocha said, “We need someone who is in the eyes of every Nigerian and he is not tribalized because people cannot work together when they don’t agree”. This statement is quite partial. Yes, we need a leader who can work with everyone but a leader doesn’t ineluctably agree with everyone. A Patriotic Leader should consistently do the right thing. Leadership is a responsibility and not a luxury.

It is impossible to have a detribalized leader because the concept of identity is collective. The fact is that we need a leader who supports the nation no matter what, a leader who defends the forces and agencies, a leader who respects the national flag and anthem and a leader who is not afraid to do the right thing. Patriotism is a state of mind developed by the love of country and based on the beliefs of founding fathers. All Nigerians belong to a particular tribe. Since there’s already the love for the tribe, we need the love for country above all.

A Patriotic Nigerian only cares about the good of the nation. The belief is that, citizens are equal components of the society and should therefore build in unity.

It is important to note that tribalism is more divisive in a multi-ethnic terrain like Nigeria. The interests of the country should always prevail before factions within. Both religion and ethnicity have caused a stir in our nation’s unity. Nigerian politicians have repeatedly emphasized tribal domination thereby causing intertribal conflicts. The results are hostility and negativity towards other tribes.

To me, it is time Nigerian interests come first. We need a leader who can be a citizen, subjected to all laws. A patriotic leader represents his country, tribe and other tribes within his county.

Sometime in 2019, I was with a friend who made the statement “I am tired of Nigeria”. And when I asked why, he opined that there’s nothing to live for in Nigeria. I kept thinking about this and i realized that the majority in the nation share the same view and that is more alarming.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was a United States of America patriot. He envisioned a nation that triumphed over racism. He identified as a black man but highlighted his belief in nationhood above race and colour.

In veracity, patriotism is a virtue for all Nigerians. As Nigeria begins preparations for the general elections in 2023, we must recognize the patriotic antecedents of all candidates. An unpatriotic leader would never love and care for the governed. We have a duty to our nation regardless of our various shortcomings. Moreover, what he have is a Nigerian passport and not an Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, or Efik passport.
