MultiChoice Nigeria proudly announces the graduation of students from the MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) Academy, Class of 2023, following a year of intensive learning and training. The graduation ceremony took place at Terra Kulture, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Throughout the one-year program, students engaged in screenwriting, editing, production, directing, and filmmaking, and gained hands-on experience through immersions in various TV and film projects. The top three graduates of the class received internships for their exceptional work.

Segun Elvis Damptey from Ghana earned a two-week internship at a local film and TV production in South Africa, Abdulazziz Attah from Nigeria received a two-week Bollywood internship with Zee World, and Samuel Ogundeyi from Nigeria was awarded an eight-week scholarship to the New York Film Academy (NYFA).

John Ugbe, CEO of West Africa MultiChoice, expressed pride in the successful graduation, highlighting the MTF Academy as a crucial pathway to a career in the African entertainment industry. He emphasized its role as a production line for talent and creativity, producing skilled individuals capable of creating high-quality African content.

Atinuke Babatunde, Academy Director, celebrated the growth achieved by the graduates in just one year. She commended the students’ burning desire to learn and noted the MTF’s contribution to equipping them with world-class learning and a supportive community through the MultiChoice Talent Factory Alumni.

Speaking to The Guardian, Samuel Ogundeyi, the best-graduating student, expressed his excitement, describing the past year as a roller coaster of emotions and development in various aspects of his life. He emphasized the positive impact on his interpersonal and career skills, crediting the MTF for his growth as a better team player.