Amb. Yusuf Tuggar, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, has issued a warning against characterizing the illegal transfer of power in West Africa as merely a regional issue.

Tuggar also maintained that, if left unchecked, the coup might spread over the African continent and exacerbate the problems associated with terrorism and other transnational crimes.

At the 10th Annual High-level Seminar on the Promotion of Peace and Security in Africa: Helping African Members of the UN Security Council Prepare to Address Peace and Security Issues on the Continent in Oran, Algeria, the minister issued the warning.

Amb. Yusuf Tuggar, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, has issued a warning against characterizing the illegal transfer of power in West Africa as merely a regional issue.

Tuggar also maintained that, if left unchecked, the coup might spread over the African continent and exacerbate the problems associated with terrorism and other transnational crimes.

At the 10th Annual High-level Seminar on the Promotion of Peace and Security in Africa: Helping African Members of the UN Security Council Prepare to Address Peace and Security Issues on the Continent in Oran, Algeria, the minister issued the warning.

“West Africa was not responsible for the implosion of Libya that brought out the proliferation of arms. It was also not responsible for the failure of the European Union’s Sahel strategy. It may not necessarily be responsible for climate change in the Sahel.

“However, people might simply say there is something West Africa is doing wrong and try and accommodate the new military regimes, but that would be fatal for the whole of Africa because we want to get to the issue of fighting terrorism in the entire Africa, in North Africa and other parts.”

He further stated, “It is easy to think that the solution is to accommodate these new military regimes and work with them because they are dear to you, and that way you can continue to fight against terrorism but this would not work.”

The minister advised that “We need to bring life into Africa Union body of programmes because terrorist groups and indeed other criminal gangs edging ways in border areas and West Africa has complex border areas and the issues of territory are difficult to man and manage.

“The AU body of programmes would bring in development and infrastructure when we do not give in to this military takeover.”