Man commits suicide, villagers discover body after three days in Kaduna

NEWS DIGEST – A 27-year-old man, Joseph Ajari, has committed suicide in a border village between Plateau and Kaduna states.

According to a report by The Guardian, the man said to hail from Okitipupa in Ondo State, came to the area six years ago, he had not been relating with anybody, leading people to speculate that he may have belonged to the spirit world or had died previously and reincarnated there.

One of the eyewitnesses said the deceased had no wife and hated seeing ladies. “He does not mix with people and does not socialise. He tries as much as possible not to come in contact with people. He goes on errands by himself. He does not send children. He cooks for himself, fetches water for himself. In fact, he does everything for himself.

“As a small village settlement of about 20 huts, Ajari will beat a retreat if he is going to meet face to face with somebody coming towards his direction, a behavior strange to us in this village where everybody looks after each other.

“Because of his strange behaviour, we thought he does not belong to this world. We only knew where he came from just immediately he first came here and that was what he told us. After that, he had been avoiding us, entertaining fear that we could ask him further questions,” he said, adding that some elders entered his house to bring out the decomposed body for burial in the absence of a police post in the village.

He revealed that they braved the odds to enter his hut when unusual flies started gathering and hovering over his residence, adding that when they entered, they saw his near rotten body dangling on a locally made rope tied to the roof of his hut.

“We did not know actually when he died but for the flies, and the flies cannot gather like that except, possibly after four days of his death.”

The Consultant Psychiatrist and chairperson at Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) Suicide Response Team, Dr Hannah Gyang, when contacted, said about 90 per cent of cases of suicide in the country could be traced to mental disorder due to depression.

Gyang said that some of the risk factors for committing suicide include poor interpersonal skills, negative processes, family or community violence, violence, physical and sexual abuse as well as bereavement, among others.

She explained further that people within the age of 15 and 44 years are more at risk of suicide. She pointed out that suicide can be prevented by developing healthy and meaningful relationship, having a positive attitude towards life and sharing one’s problems with others.