Leadership development is a valuable asset to national growth - Alli Bob

Leadership development is a valuable asset to national growth – Alli Bob

NEWS DIGEST – The founder of the CEOs Network Africa, Alli Bob Cinwon has harped on the need for Nigeria to start investing in leadership development, stating that it is a valuable asset to the smooth running of all sectors in the country.

The 26-year-old humanitarian and sustainable development advocate made this known on Thursday stating that there is the need to go beyond having technical knowledge and start focusing on capacity building in the aspect of emotional intelligence, interpersonal relations, and management qualities.

“Look at America for instance, they thrive in leadership qualities because they invest in leadership development. They teach people how to be leaders and groom them in knowing the values of emotional intelligence, interpersonal relations, and other aspects that boost their leadership traits”, he said.

Mr. Cinwo revealed to NewsDigest that the CEOs Network Africa in partnership with Africa’s foremost leadership hub ‘GOTNI Leadership Centre’ will be staging a leadership and entrepreneurial seminar targeted majorly at young millennials in various sectors of the economy.

The event which he called ‘CEOs Network Leadership and Entrepreneurship Masterclass’ will afford young people the opportunity to have exposure to some core tenets of leadership and entrepreneurial skill sets.

Leadership development is a valuable asset to national growth - Alli Bob

“There’s no knowledge that is wasted, being part of the class exposes participants to a crop of global facilitators and networks that are willing to share ideas and even invest in talents and ideas.

“Legislators, local council chairmen, and top business magnets will be a part of that class and it is an avenue to network and have conversations on how to foster wealth creation and other important aspects of the economy”, he said.

He, however, noted that registration for the event is open to all age grades but it is deliberately targeted at young millennials.

“This initiative is particularly targeted at young people because GOTNI is trying to invest in young people, we at CEOs Network Africa share the same vision with them which is why we entered an MoU with them. So this initiative is open to anybody but particularly target at young people in all sectors of the economy”, Mr. Cinwo said.

The ‘CEOs Network Leadership and Entrepreneurship Masterclass’ is slated for 16th and 17th February 2022. The registration fee is N100,000 you can visit: www.ceosnetworkafrica.com for more information and inquiries.