Obasanjo and Buhari in Ethiopia

Buhari hails Obasanjo on his 82nd birthday

NEWS DIGEST – President Muhammadu Buhari has showered encomium on former President Olusegun Obasanjo, describing him as a passionate and great patriot.

In a statement to mark Obasanjo’s 82nd birthday anniversary, Buhari said Obasanjo deserves accolades for his immeasurable contributions to democracy and national unity.

“Regardless of our political differences with Obasanjo, I still hold him in the highest esteem because his contributions to the development of the country overshadow those differences.

“Chief Obasanjo gave a good account of himself and inspired his juniors with his wit and other leadership skills,” Buhari was quoted in a statement by his senior special assistant on media and publicity, Garba Shehu on Tuesday night.

He said Nigeria’s successful transition to democratic rule in October 1979 was one of Obasanjo’s remarkable contributions to national development.

“As he celebrates his 82nd Birthday Anniversary, I wish Chief Obasanjo more good health, knowledge and wisdom in the service of Nigeria and humanity”, he said.

It will be recalled that last year, President Buhari did not issue a statement to congratulate Obasanjo when he marked his 81st birthday.

In 2017, Buhari who was in London phoned Obasanjo to congratulate him on his 80th birthday.