Freddy Roosemont, the Director-General of the Belgian Office for Foreigners, revealed in a press conference in Abuja on Friday that Nigerians constitute the largest group forced into prostitution in Belgium.

Roosemont highlighted the difficulties of surviving in Europe without a stable job, thereby dispelling the illusion of a prosperous life. He stressed that Belgium is far from being a utopia, with Nigerians making up the majority of those coerced into prostitution.

According to Roosemont, many Nigerians seek asylum in Belgium upon arrival. However, economic motives often hinder their recognition under the Geneva Convention, resulting in minimal approval rates. The lack of a residence permit force many migrants to attempt relocation, only to face eventual deportation back to Nigeria.

He added that 362 Nigerians sought asylum in 2022 and 380 applied in 2023, yet there were only few approvals.

Roosemont said: “It is not easy to survive in Europe without a decent job. The dream is fake. Belgium is not the land of milk and honey, nor is Europe.

“As a consequence, people are forced to live in irregular stay, without a social safety net, in precarious conditions. They risk economic exploitation, and women risk ending up in prostitution.”

Roosemont concluded by warning against investing in dangerous journey across the Mediterranean which only enrich human traffickers.

“Invest in your education, building on the realization of your dreams in Nigeria,” he added. “A stay in Belgium, through regular channels, can be a useful complement.”