Abdulaziz Yari
Abdulaziz Yari

Yari threatens to sue Fani-Kayode over Twitter comments

NEWS DIGEST – A former governor of Zamfara State, Abdulaziz Yari, has denied flouting COVID-19 preventive measures put in place by the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria, FAAN, at Malam Aminu Kano International Airport, Kano State.

Recall that FAAN had on Wednesday criticized Mr Yari for “irresponsibly” evading COVID-19 protocol by pushing away its officer who was trying to disinfect his luggage at the check-in terminal.

Reacting through a statement signed by his Media aide, Mayowa Oluwabiyi, on Thursday, Mr Yari also denied pushing away FAAN official.

The former Nigerian Governors Forum chairman, therefore, demanded apology from the FAAN management for allegedly publishing falsehood against him.

Mr Yari also threatened to drag a former minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode, to court over his tweet on the issue.

The statement read, “His Excellency Abdulaziz Yari finds the (FAAN) tweet odious and distasteful, he, therefore, demands that FAAN retract the offensive tweet and tender an immediate public apology to him for the falsehood published about his person.

“His Excellency Abdulaziz Yari also noted the unwarranted and needlessly vicious attack on his person and reputation by the former Minister of Aviation, Mr. Femi Fani-kayode via his Twitter handle @realffk as a result of the tweet from FAAN earlier on Wednesday.

“We wish to re-affirm that H.E Abdulaziz Yari, the former governor of Zamfara State is a law-abiding Nigerian who will never resort to violence on any issue whatsoever.

“H.E Yari holds the Federal Government of Nigeria in very high esteem and supports all steps taken by the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 to fight the deadly pandemic.

“However, the vicious attack on the person and reputation of H.E Abdulaziz Yari cannot be winked at.

“Mr. Femi Fani-kayode will hear from H.E Yari’s lawyers in due course in order to set the record straight.”

News Digest reports that following the allegations made by the FAAN, Mr Fani-Kayode had taken to his twitter to describe Mr Yari as a corrupt person, who lacks compassion towards his people and the entire nation.

The tweet read: “I have always said that ex-Governor of Zamfara state, Abdulazeez Yari, is an animal. He is not only a crooked, corrupt & violent beast but he also spent years bathing in & drinking the blood of his own people by encouraging & actively supporting the activity of killer bandits.

“Now he has had the nerve & audacity to assault FAAN officials at Aminu Kano Airport who tried to check & spray his luggage with disinfectant & he also stubbornly & violently refused to follow the Covid 19 protocols put in place by the FG on the grounds that he is a VIP.

“I wonder who the hell this filthy animal thinks he is? It is about time that someone takes on this heartless & bloodlusting monster & call him to order? If we ever had a Kleptomaniac, a psychopath and a murderous megalomaniac in Nigeria as a Governor it is this creature.

“The authorities need to cage him before people are hurt, insulted, threatened, maimed, wounded & possibly even killed by him and his boys. He is totally out of control and may well be totally and completely insane. If I were still Min. of Aviation and he tried this.

“This nonsense with any of those in my Ministry or parastatals I would ban him from the airports and from flying in Nigeria and if he ever assaulted any of my officials or staff I would have him arrested, chained, detained, prosecuted & jailed.

“The man is a common thug, a notorious bully, a disgrace to Zamfara state, a disgrace to the north and a disgrace to Nigeria. Not everyone can be intimidated by him and it is about time that the FG and the Nigerian people called him out & put him in his place.

“He is not only a crooked,insatiable, greedy,bloodthirsty &murderous beast but he is also a self-serving sociopath &ignorant thug. One day we will meet & I will tell him all this to his ugly face.I can’t wait.FFK is a hurricane &a lion all rolled into one & I DESPISE bullies.