Minister commissions BUK’s world class senate building

NEWS DIGEST – The minister of Education, Adamu Adamu, on Thursday commissioned Bayero University, Kano’s world class senate building, named after Professor Adamu Rasheed, a former vice chancellor of the university and now the executive secretary, National Universities Commission, NUC.

The minister, who was represented by the registrar of Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, JAMB, Professor Ishaq Oloyede, congratulated the council, senate, management, staff and students for having one of the most beautifully decorated edifices in the country’s tertiary institutions.

He said the secret of BUK’s rise to stardom was its harmonious working relationship among past and present management staff, saying that it has become a model that other universities in the country should follow.

“You can’t see a former vice chancellor making any derogatory remarks against the incumbent one. It is only in BUK that former vice chancellors will be working in tandem with the present one for the betterment of the system,” he said.

On naming the building after Mr Rasheed, the minister said it was apt and reasonable owing to his unquantifiable contributions to the transformation agenda of the university.

In his remark, Mr Rasheed said from 1977 to date, the successive vice chancellors have laid a formidable foundation that has transformed Bayero University and elevated its status in the country. He said they had painted the university with picture of continuity.

The ES NUC commended the outgoing vice chancellor, Professor Yahuza Bello for completing the project which he had initiated, and expressed appreciation that the building was named after him.

On the incoming vice chancellor, Professor Sagir Abbas, Mr Rasheed charged him to do his best and continue with the tradition of setting the university in the right attitude.

Mr Rasheed further commended the chairman House Committee on Tertiary Education, Aminu Goro, for consistently assisting the university.

In his remark, Mr Goro said the  project was a manifestation of Bayero University’s gigantic steps to set the pace in the country, saying that as an alumnus he was proud to be associated with his alma mater.

He tasked the new VC to follow the footsteps of the Messrs Rasheed and Bello, who modernized the university and sustained it respectively, pledging to continue to support the university in whatever way possible.

Two former vice chancellors, Professors Ibrahim Umar and Sani Zahraddeen said the university was put under high pedestal by the successive administrations, noting that it was known ever since for judiciously utilizing funds allocated to it for meaningful projects.

They also commended the management for its decision to name the building after Mr Rasheed.

Earlier, the vice chancellor, welcomed all members to the new Senate building, saying that the idea to erect the structure came as a dream. He thanked the almighty God for giving him the strength and capacity to complete the project initiated by his predecessor.

“The university’s secret lies with its collective decision making and harmonious working relationship among all stakeholders including those who worked outside and came back. They are always ready to give their best to the University,” he said.

The vice chancellor said he thought the project couldn’t have been completed in 20 years but God has made it possible to be completed. He said all the offices were furnished. He expressed optimism that the hand over with the new vice chancellor would take place in the new building on Monday next week.

Mr Bello expressed appreciation to all those who contributed in one way or another for the completion of the project, citing Messrs Rasheed and Goro, members of university management, UYK Company and the architect that designed the project.