Man beats girlfriend, kills bystander who attempted to intervene

Jordan Talley, a 27-year-old man from Georgia, USA, has been apprehended for assaulting his girlfriend and fatally injuring a man who intervened in the altercation.

Talley faces charges of manslaughter and domestic battery in connection with the incident, which occurred on March 31 in downtown Orlando, according to Fox News.

Authorities reported that a video footage captured Talley striking a woman outside a law office near the intersection of Robinson Street and Magnolia Avenue.

Talley allegedly dragged the woman by her hair and violently threw her to the ground, prompting the intervention of a bystander who tragically lost his life in the process.

A bystander, Donald Storie, 64, was walking nearby with his wife, daughter and her fiancé when he heard the woman screaming for help.

The deceased family informed authorities that he headed in the direction of the screaming woman and, when he approached the couple, Talley punched him.

Storie died on April 23 after being taken off life support.

More surveillance video shows Talley and his girlfriend entering a car, which detectives were able to trace back to Talley’s home in Georgia.

He was taken into custody by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Talley admitted to detectives that he punched Storie, claiming he was concerned for his girlfriend’s safety.