June 12: Buhari desperate for South West Votes – Omokri

NEWS DIGEST – Aide to Former President Goodluck Jonathan,Reno Omokri  has slammed President Buhari over declaration of June 12 as Democracy day stating that Mr.Buhari is desperate to garner votes from the South West.

The NEWS DIGEST reported that President Buhari has announced that June 12, will replace the customary May 29, as Democracy day, according to him this move is to immortalise late MKO Abiola who he honoured with Grand Commander Federal Republic (GCFR).

Omokri wondered how Mr. Buhari who praised Late General Abacha would turnaround to declare honor for Abiola who, he said was killed by Abacha.

Reacting via his official Twitter handle @renoomokri,he said: “President @Mbuhari is a joke. In desperation for the Southwest vote, he has declared June 12, Democracy

Day a d given MKO Abiola a post humous GCFR.

“What hypocrisy! This was a man who served Abacha

while Abacha jailed Abiola.”

Mr. Buhari had also alongside Abiola honoured late Gani Fawehinmi and former Presumed Vice President of the Country, Baba Gana Kinigbe.

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