Aisha and Buhari

Buhari accused of bribing Aisha over ‘Two men controlling husband’ claim

NEWS DIGEST–President Muhammadu Buhari has been accused of bribing his wife, Aisha, after her recent revelation that he was being controlled by two powerful people.
“Our votes were 15.4 million in the last elections and after that only for us to be dominated by two people… this is totally unacceptable.
“If 15.4 million people can bring in a government and only for the government to be dominated by two people or three people, where are the men of Nigeria? Where are the Nigerian men? What are you doing? Instead of them to come together and fight them, they keep visiting them one after the other licking their shoes (I’m sorry to use those words),” she said at a national women leadership summit.
In his reaction, Reno Omokri, a former aide to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan said it was suspicious that Buhari, on Monday, appointed his wife, Aisha, as a member of the Presidential Advisory Committee on the Elimination of Drug Abuse.
The appointment comes only a week after Aisha made the shocking allegation.
Omokri, on his Twitter page wrote: “A week after Aisha Buhari raised the alarm that a Two man cabal is holding her husband hostage and taken over his government, her husband, President Buhari appoints her into the Presidential Advisory Committee on the Elimination of Drug Abuse.
“Will this bribery work?”