We groom kids to become leaders on emerging technologies – 3logy CEO

Nasirudeen B. Yakubu is a Nigerian technopreneur, computer scientist and cybersecurity strategist. He is the Managing Partner/CEO of 3logy Limited, an indigenous IT company that organizes a monthly IT seminar for kids across the country. In this interview with IBRAHIM RAMALAN, Mr Yakubu talks about his motivation for grooming young kids on emerging technologies.


What is 3Logy all about?

3logy Limited is an emerging technopreneur company for the emerging generation that promises to live up to the challenges of this contemporary world of technology. Basically, we expose kids to emerging technologies (Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, ML Computational Thinking, Design Thinking and several Programming Languages) to enable them to speak the language of the future.

What stands your firm out among many other IT firms?

Our ICT firm is unique because we impart exceptional skills to young kids between the ages of 6 and17. We mentor kids. We expose them to emerging trends in global markets as we live in a time of change! A change that replaces the way we do everything! In the near future, technology will replace many jobs, since most human tasks are being automated. this is why we are out to bring our young generations abreast with the emerging technologies.

What do you want the kids to achieve?

We want to catch them young and make them self-reliant. Believe me, these technologies are inevitable. Thus, when our kids are exposed to these technologies early, there is every likelihood that they could be put on a proper pedestal to compete favourably with the international community of kids. Aside from that, these skills could become their sources of employment after graduation from the universities and other institutions of higher learning.

How do you operate?

We train and employ only children in this category; every child has something to offer! We always tell our participants that there are neither wrong questions nor wrong answers in 3logy. Therefore, they feel free to show their creativity, ours is to map them with one another to ensure synergy and teamwork.

How can the kids become employable?

While graduates, the big guys, are waiting for government employment and salaries; many of those we trained are now earning some living out of the skills they learnt. They get paid per workload done. So, it is a big phenomenon that will soon redefine the way we do things. Remember that Microsoft has predicted that by the year 2025, about 149 million new jobs would be in the area of emerging technologies, and 3Logy is building a capacity of emerging generations in this area.

How do you pay them?

Yes, of course, we pay them via parents’ accounts so that they monitor what their children do.

Who are the participants?

Our participants are across the globe, but many of them are from different parts of Nigeria.

How do you train them?

We train 10% physically and 90% virtually globally only some parts of the training are physical and we do virtual graduation, we also organize virtual seminars for kids.

…Seminars for kids?

Yes! Whenever the word seminar or conference is mentioned, people think is only the academia that wants to share knowledge, children also think is not for them, but it simply means knowledge sharing, not minding the ages of the participants. 3logy seminar series (3SS) is a monthly seminar series for kids that exposes them to emerging technologies, presenters are being mentored to prepare the kids for the task which looks into the future in an economy that is digitally driven.

Do you have any projects going on now?

Yes, the kids are working to solve issues affecting the world. Recently, we started working on how to control snow that affects cars, houses, etc. in Europe. We are designing an IoT/ material science solution using smart thermal systems that will bring a permanent solution to this problem.

How is the relationship between your firm and the IT regulatory agency in Nigeria?

Yes, we have a cordial relationship with the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA). We are happy that the current Director-General of the agency, Kashifu Inuwa Abdullahi, is a man who understands the IT language very well. He has been giving us supports and motivation. In fact, we are hoping to sign an MoU very soon. Hopefully, when such is achieved, our resolve to mentor young minds in the area of emerging technologies will receive a big boost.