Social media is not just a place where we connect, but it has become a platform giving people a voice to speak over anything they desire. 

It has also helped to fish out criminals and convict people of their wrongs.

Yesterday, a graphic designer known as @louisajlo created a thread, sharing her sad story of designing for Ramsey Nouah.

The Graphic designer took to Twitter to share, that she had created logos and designs for the movie producer, and she was never contacted or paid for her work.

She stated that she was shocked, to see that her work had been used in the film.

You can read the thread here:

Following her story which went viral, Nigerian actress Kate Henshaw was tagged on the tweets, and she made the effort to contact Ramsey Nouah.

It was then discovered, that the person who connected Louisa for the job, had received the payment, but withheld it from the designer.

The graphic designer has finally been contacted and compensated for her work.