Governor Badaru receives award to recognise improvement in Jigawa’s health sector

NEWS DIGEST – Governor Mohammed Badaru of Jigawa state was recognised on Thursday in Dutse with an Exceptional Leadership Award to appreciate the giant strides recorded in the health sector since he became governor in 2015.

The Badaru administration said the health sector was one of several key development indices the state has seen significant development and it was keen to continue “the selfless service” to the people of Jigawa state.

According to Ahmad Danyaro, SSA Print Media to the governor, the state has seen considerable development and the “New Jigawa State” was performing well relative to other states of the federation in some of the development indices.

“And indigenes of the state are doing excellently well in their field of chosen endeavours all over the country and beyond,” he said at the presentation of the award by the Maryam Abatcha American University of Niger.

Mr Danyaro, asked to represent the governor at the award presentation, said the university had become extremely valuable to the Jigawa community.

“This University is important to us by choosing five Head of Departments who are sons of Jigawa State,” he said. “The Speaker of Jigawa State, Chairman House Committee on Health and many other senior officials are products of Maryam Abatcha American University Niger.”

Mr Danyaro said leader of the delegation, Ado Shehu Ringim, had done the state immense good in choosing the state for the students internship training, which enriched the state health manpower, despite interest from other states.

While presenting the award, Mr Ringim remarked on Governor Badaru as a man who has remained consistent in his demonstration of unconventional courage in serving Jigawa State.