Some eligible male voters were seen playing football along Augustus Aikhomu Way in Utako Area of Abuja on Saturday, avoiding polling centers to exercise their civic rights.

The youths who blocked the double lane of the road around 12:pm were playing football when millions of Nigerians across the country were queuing up to cast their votes in the presidential and National Assembly elections.

The youths were playing football less 50 meters from Utako village polling unit.

One of the players who spoke to our correspondent said he would be voting in the ongoing process.

“I have my PVC and I will be voting, but you know the que is much so we’re given numbers. I will be going back when it gets to my turn,” he said.

Other players however declined comment when our reporter sought to know why they avoided the polling station.

A similar scenario played out in Lagos State, but the youths were eventually dispersed by security operatives on election monitoring duty.