world bank

World Bank implements ESF projects in Nigeria

NEWS DIGEST – The World Bank has announced the implementation of its Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) in Nigeria after a workshop.

According to the Senior Communications Officer in Nigeria, Olufunke Olufon, in a statement, the workshop was organised to provide comprehensive understanding of the new environmental and social criteria, which the World Bank will be applying to new investment projects it finances.

The World Bank disclosed that the ESF would progressively change the World Bank’s current safeguards policies. This will take effect from October 2018.

“The ESF is a great opportunity to work together with the Nigerian government to strengthen its environmental and social systems, and help build the country’s capacity to implement programs in a sustainable way and to achieve stronger results,” said Rachid Benmessaoud, World Bank Country Director for Nigeria.

The ESF is a product of extensive consultations conducted by the World Bank after four years of analyses and engagement around the world with governments, development practitioners, and civil society groups.

This consultation has cut across nearly 8,000 stakeholders in 63 countries.

Also in the statement. the new framework provides a widee coverage to address environmental and social issues, This includes; important advances on transparency, non-discrimination, social inclusion, public participation, and accountability. It also places more emphasis on empowering borrower governments’ own capacity to deal with environmental and social issues, and the risks in investment project financed by World bank.

“The World Bank’s environmental and social framework aims to ensure that the people and the environment are protected from the potential adverse impacts of the projects it finances.”the statement read.

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