A group of women rallied in large numbers on Saturday under the banner of the “Voice of Women in Nigerian Leadership Initiative” to express dissatisfaction with the ongoing economic hardship in Plateau State.

The Women gathered at the Old Airport roundabout in Jos, displaying placards with various messages to highlight their grievances about the national economic decline, which has led to rampant inflation and widespread suffering.

Mrs Lois Goyim, the State Coordinator of the initiative, addressed the press, elucidating their decision to convene at the roundabout, aiming to draw attention to the dire circumstances faced by citizens amidst the economic turmoil. She particularly emphasised the disproportionate impact on women and children, who often bear the brunt as primary caregivers and homemakers.

Expressing vehement condemnation, Mrs Goyim criticised the government’s response to the crisis, citing its failure to rein in soaring prices of essential goods, exacerbating hunger and deprivation among the populace.

“In 2023, a significant portion, between 50–60 percent, of arable land across Nigeria lay fallow due to the pervasive threat of attacks by unidentified assailants. Particularly in Mangu and Bokkos of Plateau State, renowned for their agricultural output in crops such as maize and potatoes, farmers were compelled to abandon their fields.

The recent spate of civil unrest in these regions has only worsened the situation, leaving farmlands abandoned and harvests decimated,” she lamented.

Furthermore, Mrs Goyim elucidated on the overarching goal of the Voice of Women in Nigerian Leadership initiative, underscoring its mission to amplify the voices of ordinary Nigerians and rectify systemic power differentials.

In a direct appeal to President Ahmed Bola Tinubu, elected officials, and appointed leaders, Mrs Goyim urged swift action to alleviate the plight endured by Nigerians, particularly women and children who bear the brunt of the crisis.