Vote-buying biggest threat to Nigeria’s democracy, says Group

NEWS DIGEST – The Integrity Group (TIG) on Monday said that vote-buying was not only a criminal offence but the biggest threat to Nigeria’s democracy.

The founder of the group, Livingstone Wechie, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja that such act contravened sections 124 and 130 of the Electoral Act.

He called for immediate enforcement of the punitive prescription of the law to deter recurrence.

“We are calling for the immediate enforcement of the law against perpetrators of such act.

“This is the time to save our democracy for posterity sake,” Wechie said.

The group’s leader, who called on the Inter-Party Advisory Council (IPAC) to rise up against such electoral offence, said the battle was a collective one.

He condemned in strong terms any of form of undermining the integrity of the electoral process.

According to him, this crime if established must be treated with the full weight of the law.

Wechie commended the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for its efforts on voter education.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that there are allegations of vote-buying in the Ekiti election by politicians. (NAN)

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