Virtual Matriculation: NOUN VC tasks 15,000 new intakes on solutions to global challenges

NEWS DIGEST – The Vice-Chancellor of the National Open University of Nigeria, NOUN, Prof. Abdalla Uba-Adamu, has tasked new students of the university to rise to the challenges of the modern world in their quest for knowledge.

A statement signed by the NOUN Director of Media and Publicity, Ibrahim Sheme, quoted the VC as giving the charge on Saturday during the university’s 19th matriculation ceremony, which was held online.

In a welcome address to the over 15,000 new students, which he read over the Zoom application converging many of the students from all over the country, Mr Adamu urged the new intakes to see any challenge they encounter in the course of their studies as a building block.

“One block at a time, and you will erect a mansion,” he said, adding: “you are in the best position to do this because your learning is powered by your personal desire to learn.”

Mr Adamu, therefore, disclosed that NOUN has optimised its online facilitation exercise such that students can easily interact directly with their lecturers.

He pointed out that the university was the only one having a Directorate of Learning Content Management System, CLMS, which in due course could become a full-fledge online university.

He added that all the academic programmes of the university are fully accredited by the National Universities Commission, NUC, in order to ensure their integrity

He said: “Our programmes, quality assurance and delivery mechanisms are therefore more solid than those of many conventional universities who keep coming to us to see how we work this technological magic.”

Mr Adamu informed the new intake of students that this was his last matriculation address at NOUN, his tenure of five years having to end in February, 2021.

“I want to meet you in the next four years, during your graduation, not as Vice-Chancellor, full of knowledge and ready to take on the world as a result of your studentship in NOUN, and proudly watch you graduate with flying colours as simply the best of the best,” he said.

The statement noted that the matriculation oath was administered on the students online by the Registrar of the university, Felix I. Edoka.

It ended with joyful banter exchanged between the vice-chancellor and some of the students, who joined from remote locations as the event was beamed live on the social media and NOUN platforms.