The Christian Association of Nigeria hailed the country on its 63rd Independence Day anniversary on Sunday, calling on the Federal Government to stabilize the economy.

According to the group, the recent drop in the value of the Naira versus major world currencies, particularly the dollar, has had a significant impact on Nigerians.

Archbishop Daniel Okoh, President of the CAN, mentioned these in his Independence Day message.

He said, “This significant milestone reminds us of the progress we have made as a nation and the challenges that lie ahead. As we reflect on our journey, we urge the government to prioritise addressing the pressing economic challenges and the escalating state of insecurity in our beloved country.

“CAN acknowledges the need for urgent measures to stabilise the Nigerian economy. The recent fall of the Naira against major world currencies, particularly the dollar, has had a profound impact on the lives of ordinary Nigerians.

“We call on the government to implement sustainable economic policies that will bolster our local currency, stimulate investments and revitalise key sectors.”

The statement read further, “By fostering an enabling environment for entrepreneurship and providing necessary support to small and medium-sized enterprises, we can create jobs and alleviate poverty, ultimately improving the quality of life for all citizens.

“Moreover, the escalating state of insecurity, especially in the South East region, demands immediate attention. We express deep concern over the spate of violence and bloodshed that has plagued communities, leading to loss of lives and displacement of innocent citizens.”

The Christian association implored the “government to intensify efforts in combating terrorism, banditry, and all forms of criminal activities”

It also recommended that enough resources be committed to security services, as well as participation with local populations.

It was highlighted that intelligence gathering must be improved in the fight against terrorism.

“Restoring peace and security is critical not only for the affected regions, but also for the entire country, as it will allow people to return to their farms, promoting food security and sustainable development.”

CAN urges the government to prioritize decent education and healthcare, which it considers to be “fundamental rights that must be guaranteed to every Nigerian.” By investing in these key sectors, we provide knowledge and skills to our youth while also ensuring the well-being of our residents, particularly the vulnerable.”

Okoh stated that CAN was aware of the ongoing gasoline subsidy negotiations between the FG and labor unions.

He urged all sides to reach a compromise that minimizes the impact on disadvantaged Nigerians.

“The removal of subsidies is a significant economic adjustment with far-reaching consequences,” Okoh added.

We understand the government’s motivations, but we also recognize the consequent misery and hardship.”

“In conclusion, as we commemorate Nigeria’s 63rd anniversary of independence, let us not forget the challenges that lie ahead.”

“CAN remains committed to promoting initiatives towards a prosperous and peaceful Nigeria. By doing so, we can achieve sustainable development, foster peace, and create a nation where every Nigerian can thrive,” he said.