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In Nigeria, we are really in a Season of Change

By the time I started seeing people complaining about this administration, I began to ask myself if we are truly, really in an era of change, because change is something you can see, feel and even touch.
The question is pertinent, because it seems some people have resigned hope, while some have written off this administration in its resolve, to bring the kind of change we all expected as contained in its campaign of change.

Some have on the other hand agreed, that we have started seeing change, and the administration is on the right track and serious in its determination; citing examples with tackling of insecurity challenges, the fight against corruption and recovering of billion of dollars looted from our commonwealth by the officials of the immediate past administration.

I will personally, which is even the reason for writing this piece, agree with the second group that this administration is serious and has indeed begun to bring the change it promised us, going by the successes recorded in the security situation of the country, the fight against corruption and even labelling stealing an act of corruption, which is punishable.

If an administration can achieve this much, which its predecessor could not in six years, within just a short period of one year of it’s constitutional life span, it’s worth celebrating.

No one would want to remember that during the past administration billion of dollars budgeted for security, which deterioration was at all time high, ended in some personal pockets; which resulted to the death of hundreds and left millions as refugees in various camps in different parts of the North and neighbouring countries.

This is why, if not for anything, economy nonetheless, you see Northerners celebrating this administration in one year and are supporting it. Most especially the policies for the peace that has been restored in the region especially the Northeast where the security challenge was at an all time high.

In the area of fight against corruption however, last year, indices placed Nigeria among the first 10 corrupt countries in the world but now its not even among the first 30 which is a landmark and one would therefore imagine which glorious place will Nigeria be in the next three remaining years.

Besides, respect for Nigeria by the international community has tremendously improved, thanks to the man of high integrity as president. We only pray, but the future is brighter.

Comrade Dalhat Usd Danja
200level student Department of Political science
Umaru Musa Yar’adua University Katsina