Aondover Msughter

Monday Column: The state of politics in Nigeria by Aondover Msughter

NEWS DIGEST – In an ideal situation, Nigeria is a place where all things can possibly be achieved. It is a country grounded by so many multi-cultural groups with divergent political inclination, resulting into political thuggery with considerable lost of lives and property. A country where politics has taken the lead in everyday engagement, the struggle for power becomes a ladder among the citizenry. The manifestation of political ideology has eaten deep in all ramifications so much so that if nothing is done and urgently too, Nigeria will witness a very terrible scene in the political arena.

It is on record that Nigeria is in her infant stage of democracy, is over surrounded with cabals who walk under the bridges of destruction. The state of politics in Nigeria has become a do or die affair, which permeated fighting of one group against another. In some part of the country, it has become a family affair where one family hunts another. This unfair play-politics has escalated to individual hatred and beyond. The essence of democracy in Nigeria today is arrested. The country has imbibed democracy, but is not willing to adhere to the tenets that come with it.  Politics in Nigeria is one step forward and three steps backward.

In Nigerian political history, political parties have appeared in various guises, and have also disappeared under different guises. The political drama of selfish government and objective need a serious check-up. Politics in some parts of the country is retrogressing and thus accelerating hate speech especially as 2019 general elections is approaching. Politicians with their reckless drive for votes tend to attribute dangerous hate speech in order to tarnish the image of others and have their names written in gold.

In Kano State today, politics has succeeded in uprooting the integrity of people, noting that youths who enjoyed politicians patronage now brandish dangerous weapon. Look at the way the youths are beating drums of war, which echoes the sound of no end in sight of political crisis comes 2019. Since the return of democracy in Nigeria, the expectations of Nigerians for dividends of democracy have been quashed from one crisis to another. The struggle to control the political parties has led to continuous disarray.

A source from a political analyst in Sabon Gari Area of Kano State who pleaded anonymity said, “Seriously, political violence in Nigeria is growing at an alarming rate. This trend must be a source of worry for all well-meaning Nigerians who want peace and progress of this nation. The leaders and the youths must stop beating drums of war. The political violence recorded in Kano, Rivers, among other states are indications that all hands must be on deck to end this ugly trend in Nigeria. He added that there must be a conscious effort among our leaders to reach out to their supporters on how to exercise their franchise within the ambit of law”.

In an ideal situation, democracy should be an avenue that provides people with an opportunity to have a say with total participation in any political system. Unfortunately, it is another way round in Nigeria. The partisans have swept the value and dignity that is often associated with the so called ‘Nigerian democracy’. The divided political class has turned the country into a disastrous patricidal place.

As such, government must address the menace of unemployment in the country. Majority of the youths who are unemployed are ready to be used by unscrupulous politicians. Honestly, the desperation of the political class to grab power by all cost and through the barrens of guns is consistent, permeated by unemployed youths who want to survive at all cost.

Again, corruption and lack of internal democracy in political parties is another issue to address. The escalation of corruption has eaten deep in virtually all strata of the Nigerian society. Nigerian political parties have failed in their primary duty to re-orientate politicians within their fold of the need to play by the rule. Insecurity and misinterpretation of politics are most atimes overwhelmed by the spate of political violence that has been witnessed in the society overtime in Nigeria. Thus, Nigeria must imbibe democracy by its tenets, since military rule has conditioned the psyche of an average Nigerian.

Frankly speaking, there is a need to instill democratic culture into every well-meaning Nigerian. There is no gainsaying that a system of democracy where salt and rice are used to lure the electorates into voting for a candidate, what do you expect?

Aondover Eric Msughter

Wrote in from the Department of Mass Communication

Bayero University, Kano.
