General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida
General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida

Gov. Sani-Bello salutes IBB at 77

NEWS DIGEST – Governor  Abubakar Bello of Niger on Friday felicitated with former military President, retired Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, who turned 77 years on Friday (today).

A statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Malam Jibrin Ndace, in Minna, Bello said that Babangida’s life had remained a testimony to the power of good leadership and purposeful living.

The governor noted that the former military leader had continued to demonstrate great statesmanship and patriotism and had remained resolute on the path of promoting national unity, integration and development.

Bello described Babangida as a great source and flowing river of inspiration as well as a role model whose excellent years of active public life were guided by good virtues, vision and courage.

According to him, the former military leader remains relevant in the country’s political arena, as his Hilltop residence regularly attract major political gladiators who come around to seek wisdom and wise counsel on leadership and governance.

“We salute your resilience and commitment to national service, in particular, and humanity in general. We will continue to tap from your wealth of experience,” he said.

He noted that the history of Nigeria would never be complete without acknowledging Babangida’s numerous contributions to the nation’s socio-political and economic development.