Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El-Rufai
, Nasir El-Rufai

El-Rufai presents 2023 draft budget of N370bn

NEWS DIGEST – Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El Rufai has presented the 2023 draft budget to the State House of Assembly estimated at N370.33 billion.

The budget has a 21.82 per cent increase from the 2022 revised appropriation of N303.99 billion, with an estimate of a 60: 40% ratio of capital to recurrent expenditure.

This is the eighth and final budget of Governor El-Rufai’s tenure which will end in May 2023.

Giving a breakdown of the budget on the floor of the House on Tuesday, Governor El-Rufai said that the sum of N242.21bn is proposed as capital expenditure, while the sum of  N127.7bn has been allocated to recurrent expenses in the 2023 estimates.

He explained that the capital-to-recurrent ratio of 65.5% to 34.48% reflects his administration’s consistent commitment to investment over consumption, adding that

The 2023 estimates will maintain a focus on human capital development, with education and health getting  45.34% of the budget.

El Rufai told the legislators that the final budget concludes eight years of determined effort to make lives better by putting people first.

He also thanked the Kaduna State House of Assembly for its cooperation, noting however that the journey has had smooth phases as well as rough junctions.