Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El-Rufai
, Nasir El-Rufai

El-Rufai Critiques Tinubu Administration’s Fuel Subsidy Policy

Addressing attendees at a capacity-building workshop in Maiduguri, former Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El-Rufai, shared his perspective on the recent policies implemented by the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.


El-Rufai pointed out that despite being in power for just nine months, the Tinubu administration is facing challenges with its fuel subsidy approach.


El-Rufai highlighted the challenges faced by the administration, particularly regarding the fuel subsidy policy, stating, “The current administration is paying more for fuel subsidy than previous ones, indicating the need for a reassessment of the policy’s effectiveness.”


Elaborating on the importance of policy flexibility, El-Rufai emphasized, “Leadership requires pragmatism; adjustments should be made when policies do not yield desired outcomes.”


He urged Tinubu to consider revising policies and replacing underperforming officials, stating, “Humility is essential in leadership; leaders must acknowledge when policies are not working and make necessary changes.”


El-Rufai concluded by stating, “Assessing a government’s performance requires time. We must pray for our leaders and trust in their ability to navigate challenges.”


The workshop, themed “Leadership and Public Policy: Navigating Challenges and Lessons,” provided a platform for discussions on effective governance strategies.