Plateau House of Assembly has approved the request by Governor Caleb Mutfwang to acquire a loan of N15 billion to settle the backlog of salary arrears of the state civil servants which amounted to N11 billion.

The speaker, Moses Sule, who read Mr Muftwang’s request during plenary, said that part of the loan would also be used to acquire agricultural inputs for farmers in the state.

The approval was granted during the first plenary session of the 10th Plateau House of Assembly since its inauguration on June 13.

Mr Sule also read another communication from the governor, seeking to review the 2023 budget to reflect the current realities on ground.

Two executive bills passed first reading during plenary.

The bills include a bill for law to establish the Plateau State Law Reform Commission and other matters connected 2023 and a bill for a law to establish the Plateau State Citizens Mediation Centre and for other matters connected, 2023

Also during the plenary, the speaker also read letters from the three political parties that elected members into the house for nomination of other principal offices in the Assembly.

He read a letter from the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) nominating the member representing Bokkos Constituency, Ishaku Maren, as majority leader, member representing Rukuba/Irigwe Constituency, Ibrahim Agbalang as deputy majority leader.

Member representing Mangu West, Bala Fwangje, was nominated by the PDP as chief whip and Nanbol Rimvyat of Langtang North Central is the deputy chief whip.

The Young People’s Party also nominated member representing Pankshin North, Gabriel Dewan, as minority whip.

There was a mild drama when the speaker read the letter from the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) containing the name of the member representing Wase, Ibrahim Adamu, as minority leader.

Member representing Shendam, Joseph Bukar, told the speaker that he has a letter from his party, the APC, nominating him as minority leader which he has also submitted to the Clerk of the House.

A motion on matters of urgent public importance was moved by Bala Fwangje of Mangu South on what he described as frequent attacks on the people of Mangu Local Government and some parts of the state.

Members called on the state government to collaborate with security agencies and traditional rulers on intelligent information gathering to help curtail the frequent attacks.

They called on security agencies to review their security tactics in the state.

They urged the state government to direct the State Emergency Management Agency to come to the aid of the affected communities and victims with relief support.

The house observed a minute silence in honour of those that lost their lives.