Gunmen have abducted an Anglican priest, Rev. Agbadamashi Emmanuel, together with his wife and children near the Evwreni junction on the East-West route.

When the Anglican priest and his family were traveling from Ughelli to the Uwheru hamlet in the State’s Ughelli North Local Government Area on Friday, the tragedy happened.

It was reported that the gunmen attacked them and led them into the bush without warning.

The Anglican Communion’s Ughelli Diocese’s Public Relations Officer, Hon. Justice Iyasere, verified the event to journalists in Warri on Monday morning.

He was unable to confirm, though, whether the kidnappers had demanded a ransom.

But as of the time this article was filed, the kidnapped clergyman and his family were being held captive.

When approached by reporters, DSP Bright Edafe, the police public relations officer for Delta State Command, said he would respond as soon as the divisional police officer had any additional information.