The management of Pacelli School for the Blind and Partially Sighted Children voices concerns over financial constraints and flooding, prompting a call for donations to ensure uninterrupted operations.

Principal Agnes Onwudiwe emphasizes the potential of visually impaired children and urges society to view blindness as a challenge, not a disability. The appeal was made during the annual Christmas Carol and Drama event at the Surulere, Lagos school premises. 

The plea extends to address delayed projects, hindered admissions, and the need for assistance in preventing flooding on the school grounds. Parents and Teachers Association Chairman, Adegbola Peters, commends the school for unleashing the potential of impaired children, while the Loyola Centre for Hope and Healing Director, Samuel Okwudeigbe, calls for increased government intervention. 

The event also showcased souvenirs crafted by pupils and featured various plays and dances to usher in the Christmas season.

“Some of our children who graduated in July this year and got admission in federal schools have not started because of funds needed to pay fees. Whenever it rains, there is water everywhere in the compound. We really solicit help, with regards to flooding of the school premises. The ground level of the school premises needs to be raised above that of Aja road to stop the flooding.”

Chairman of the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA), Adegbola Peters, said: “Taking care of an impaired child could be challenging but since my child enrolled here, his potential has been unleashed.”