
Obasanjo: ‘I once received documents from Garba Shehu’ – Omoyele Sowore

NEWS DIGEST – The Presidential candidate of the African Action Congress (AAC), Omoyele Sowore, has revealed that he received documents from Garba Shehu, the senior special assistant, media and publicity to President Muhammadu Buhari, to counter former President, Olusegun Obasanjo

Sowore disclosed this in an interview with Arise TV while responding to the Peoples Democratic Party Presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, over Atiku’s recent remark against him.

Atiku had on Wednesday, in response to the unveiling of the newly commercialized Nigerian National Petroleum Commission Limited (NNPC limited), tweeted that he had in 2018 made public his plans to reform the NNPC, but the APC government denigrated his plan.

In response to the tweet, Sowore criticized the former vice president for complaining about the nation’s blackout, adding that “the national electrical grid collapse started when you and Obasanjo invested $16 billion to procure darkness for Nigeria. President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration came to gazette the grid collapse as a law. Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, don’t pretend that you care about the national grid!”

When the issue was raised before Atiku during an interview with Arise TV on Friday, he said the AAC presidential candidate lives outside Nigeria and comes only after four years to contest an election.

However, in reaction to Atiku’s remarks on Monday during an interview with Arise TV, Sowore said when Garba Shehu was a special assistant to the ex-vice president; he used to receive documents to counter Atiku’s principal, former President Obasanjo.

“When Garba Shehu used to work with him (Atiku) as Special Assistant (SA), they used to send me documents from their side – I’m revealing it – to counter Obasanjo, in those days that they were on each other’s neck.”

Both Obasanjo and Atiku have many times spoken about the strained relationship they had had with each when they were president and vice president respectively.