The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has strongly criticised President Bola Tinubu’s comments at the inauguration of the Lagos Red-Line Railway Project as a disregard for the hardships endured by millions of Nigerians.

President Tinubu criticized the labour unions for threatening to strike within the first nine months of his tenure. The President labelled these efforts as “unacceptable” during his address on Thursday, warning the unions that their actions do not solely represent the voice of the people.

Responding to Tinubu’s remarks, Ajaero issued a statement on Friday expressing deep concern over Tinubu’s suggestion that Labour lacks the moral authority to challenge his administration just nine months into office.

Ajaero rebuked Tinubu’s focus on “partisan issues” and the 2027 election cycle, arguing it diverts attention from the pressing needs of Nigerians, illustrating a disconnection from the daily realities faced by citizens.

He lamented the President’s apparent disregard for the significant hardships endured by millions, including hunger, unemployment, housing insecurity, and soaring costs of essential items such as food and healthcare. Ajaero stressed the urgent need for decisive action to address these critical concerns rather than political manoeuvring.

Ajaero urged Tinubu to redirect his efforts towards fulfilling the fundamental duties of public office and addressing substantive issues, including wage increases, social welfare programmes, infrastructure development, and the revitalisation of key sectors like education and healthcare.

Highlighting the need for accountability, Ajaero insisted that Tinubu’s administration must honour previous agreements with Labour, expressing dismay at the lack of progress in implementing these agreements despite repeated assurances.

He emphasised the importance of transparency and tangible results, condemning empty promises and bureaucratic delays. Ajaero also criticised Tinubu’s use of divisive language and veiled threats against Labour, calling for constructive dialogue and collaboration to tackle the nation’s challenges.

Ajaero cautioned against violence and intimidation in a democratic society, warning that any attempts to suppress dissent would only escalate tensions and undermine efforts towards progress and prosperity.