Hundreds of citizens of Niger Republic residing in Kano state have staged a peaceful protest in support of the ousted democratically-elected leader of the country, Mohamed Bazoum.

Mr Bazoum’s government was overthrown by the military in July.

The Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, had since ordered its troops to be on standby in the event the junta refused to reinstate Mr Bazoum through diplomatic process.

But the citizens of the country residing in Kano stormed streets on Saturday morning to press demands for the return of Mr Bazoum as the president.

The protesters thronged Triumph Round About in Fagge Local Government in Kano metropolis, carrying placards with different inscriptions to express their support to Mr Bazoum.

The inscriptions include “Up ECOWAS”, “Say no to Authoritarianism”, “Say No To Coup D’etat in Niger Republic”, among others.

The convener of the protest, Lawwalli Barmo, said the reason behind the peaceful protest was to show their concern over the political atmosphere in their home country.

According to him, they decided to organize the protest in order to show their support to Mr Bazoum as democratically elected president of Niger.

“We see no reason for this coup. It is just to create violence in our country that is known to be peaceful.

“We therefore call on the military junta to restore power to Bazoum. We also call on ECOWAS to follow all avenues to ensure that power is returned to Bazoum,” said Mr Barmo.