NEWS DIGEST-  The omission of Nigerian referees from the 69-member list to officiate in the forthcoming 2024 African Cup of Nations (AFCON) is an unsettling issue for the country.

The absence of Nigerian referees raises eyebrows about the lack of representation of Africa’s football powerhouse. 

The significance of representation

Not only is representation a matter of national pride, but it is also crucial for the development of the sport within the country. Nigerian referees are role models for aspiring officials, and their presence at a prestigious tournament like the AFCON is essential in inspiring the next generation of talent. 

Development and exposure

Officiating at international tournaments provides Nigerian referees with the experiences and exposure they need to refine their skills. Their participation in the tournament is vital for their growth and development as referees. The exposure helps them to understand different styles of play and understand officiating standards better. 

The issue of credibility 

Nigeria’s omission raises concerns about the country’s credibility and reputation as a football-loving nation. The fact that referees from other African countries were shortlisted, except for Nigeria, raises more eyebrows. It leaves room for speculation and puts the country’s broader footballing industry under scrutiny. 

What’s next for Nigerian football referees?

The question remains, what’s next for Nigerian football referees, and how can the country remain relevant in international football? There is a need for the Nigerian football governing body to take a more proactive approach to supporting Nigerian referees. They must promote and foster the growth of young talent with aggressive training programs and development strategies. The football body’s commitment to ensuring that Nigerian referees get the best exposure should remain a priority.

The exclusion of Nigerian referees from the AFCON 2024 highlights the challenges that Nigerian football is facing at the moment. 

However, it poses an opportunity for the country to develop younger referees and foster them into excellence. The governing body, alongside relevant stakeholders, must work together tirelessly to support and promote referees from Nigeria. Finally, the country must not rest on its laurels and consistently make an effort to raise Africa’s football standards.