The Nigerian Military has declared warrant an individual named Halilu Buzu, suspected of engaging in terrorist activities, illicit arms trade, illegal mining, and cattle rustling.

Major General Edward Buba, Director of Operations, disclosed this information during a press briefing in Abuja, noting that Halilu Buzu, hailing from Niger, is believed to be residing in a forest in Zamfara State.

Buba stated that the suspect frequently flees to Niger Republic following his criminal activities in Nigeria.

He mentioned the military’s collaboration with Nigerien authorities to apprehend the suspect, who commands a considerable number of followers.

Additionally, General Buba highlighted the Nigerian Army’s recent success in rescuing 253 kidnapped victims within the past fortnight, attributed to Operations Y-Watch, Nokia-Fighting Patrols, and Operations Delta State.

He also reported the elimination of numerous insurgents, underlining the importance of prevailing against terrorism.

General Buba further noted that 227 terrorists were neutralized, 529 were arrested, and eleven individuals involved in oil theft were apprehended during the period under review.

“We relentlessly target these categories of terrorists such that we will be able to take them out and take them off the battlefield as soon as possible.

“Soon, the fate of such terrorists will be decided. It will be violent and it will be short, and will stop at nothing to take them off the battlefield,” Buba noted