Ibrahim El-mu’azzam
Ibrahim El-mu’azzam

Nigeria’s Hardship: A Cry for Relief, By Ibrahim El-mu’azzam

NEWS DIGEST – It’s excruciatingly hard to witness the despair that has gripped many Nigerians, turning the sweetness of life into bitter tears. We find ourselves sinking in quicksand, struggling to stay afloat amidst the hardening realities that surround us.

Today, the scourge of insecurity looms large, overshadowing everything else. While the term “insecurity” still holds its weight, our attention is increasingly diverted towards the specter of gunmen and kidnappers, as hunger and poverty gnaw at our collective well-being.

Hope is dwindling, with some already resigned to despair. In a nation rich with resources, the paradox of plenty exacerbates our plight. The relentless pursuit of immediate gain has eclipsed any notion of long-term prosperity.

Inflation has choked the life out of the economy, making essentials like food unaffordable for many. People are surviving, not living, as they struggle to meet basic needs.

The rising cost of essentials such as maize, rice, and beans has pushed them beyond the reach of the common man. “Balanced diet” has become a luxury, replaced by mere sustenance to stave off hunger.

In such dire circumstances, where can an ordinary Nigerian turn for solace?

Every corner echoes with the same refrain of struggle, particularly among family providers. For those without even a semblance of income, the future looks bleak.

Begging has become commonplace, a desperate plea for survival. Families go without meals, and the dignity of offering hospitality to guests is lost.

The sight of a man pleading for customers to buy his books speaks volumes about the desperation pervading our society.

Amidst this turmoil, questions abound. Where is the compassion of our producers? The empathy of our marketers? The oversight of regulatory bodies? And where, indeed, is the government?

The promises of relief remain unfulfilled, as budgets prioritize frivolities over the welfare of the populace. Yet, amidst it all, Nigerians display remarkable resilience, enduring silently, with a quiet resolve that borders on stoicism.

But this cannot go on unchecked. Every stakeholder, from community leaders to national figures, must be held accountable for their role in this crisis. It is imperative that urgent action is taken to alleviate the suffering of the people.

The government must intervene decisively, prioritizing aid and humanitarian efforts to address the pressing needs of the populace. Nigerians deserve better, and the time for action is now.

Ibrahim El-mu’azzam