The People’s Redemption Party has warned the Nigerian government against permitting the relocation of U.S. or French military bases from the Sahel to Nigeria.

Muhammed Ishaq, the PRP National Publicity Secretary, expressed this concern, highlighting the potential risks to Nigeria’s security, sovereignty, and citizens’ welfare.

“As a party resolutely committed to the sovereignty, security and well-being of our nation, it is our responsibility to voice our concerns and caution the Nigerian government against entering into any pacts that may endorse such arrangements.

“As a party founded on the principles of total liberation from imperialism, we feel compelled to highlight these risks of threat to sovereignty, security concerns, economic implications, diplomatic tensions in the region, amongst others.

“The presence of foreign military bases on Nigerian soil may lead to a gradual erosion of our national sovereignty.

“This could result in our government being pressured to align with the foreign policy interests of the United States and France, potentially compromising our ability to make independent decisions,” he said.

Mr Ishaq said that allowing the military bases to be sited in Nigeria could inadvertently expose the country to new security threats, as foreign troops may not fully understand the complex and dynamic nature of the security landscape in Nigeria.

This, he said, could lead to unintended consequences, adding that their presence might provoke resentment among local communities, increasing the risk of insurgency and other forms of violence.

Mr Ishaq urged the government to consider the economic impact of hosting foreign military bases and how the costs associated with accommodating these troops, maintaining infrastructure, and addressing potential security issues could strain limited resources.

He also said that the presence of these bases may plunge Nigeria to the risk of increased dependency on foreign aid and assistance which may undermine the country’s self-reliance and economic growth.

Mr Ishaq insisted that the relocation of American and French military bases to Nigeria could potentially strain Nigeria’s relations with other African countries could lead to diplomatic tensions and regional instability.

He called on President Bola Tinubu and the National Assembly to reject any proposal for the sake national interest and the safety of Nigerians.

“The issue of relocation of these base are a distraction and should not be given any attention, rather the government should remain focused on its internal defense and security needs.

“We and strongly call on the Nigerian government to outrightly reject such proposals for our national interest and specifically for these reasons.

“We believe that such a decision would pose significant risks to our national sovereignty, security, environment, and economy.

“We call for comprehensive and inclusive approach to addressing the challenges faced in the Sahel region, one that prioritise diplomacy, regional cooperation, and sustainable development,” he said.