Niger Police Commissioner Presents N97.5m to Families of Deceased Officers

On Wednesday, Niger State Commissioner of Police Shawulu Ebenezer Danmamman presented cheques totaling N97,556,353.06 to the next of kin and families of deceased personnel under the Group Life Assurance Scheme of the Nigeria Police Force.

The presentation took place in Minna, the state capital.

Danmamman, speaking on behalf of the Inspector General of Police, explained that the scheme was established to support bereaved families, alleviating their suffering and mitigating the challenges they face following the loss of their loved ones.

” I encouraged you to use the token as a mustard seed for the growth and development of the families. Though the money may not solve all your challenges, but it’s just a kind gesture from the IGP to help the families, among other benefits for them, after due processing of the claims,” he said.