Amina Bello

NEWS DIGEST – Dr Amina Bello, the wife of Niger Governor and Founder of RAiSE Foundation, an NGO, in Minna on Thursday launched a pilot scheme to empower 3000 women.

The governor’s wife, however, launched the pilot scheme with 310 women from three local government areas of the state.

The beneficiaries are from Chanchaga, Paikoro and Bosso councils.

She explained at the event that N10,000 would given to the beneficiaries as start-up capital for the businesses of their choice.

She said that the foundation’s programme was targeting 10 women from each of the 274 wards in 25 local government areas of the state.

“What we are doing today is handing over ATM cards and bank account numbers to the beneficiaries to enable them to access their money to start a trade,’’ she said.

According to her, the programme is aimed at assisting the women in their endeavours to contribute meaningfully to the welfare of their families.

“This money is non-refundable; it will help them to start any small business that will empower them for the development of their families,’’ she said.

In his remarks, the state Deputy Governor, Alhaji Ahmed Ketso, lauded the initiative while pledging support for its success.

Ketso urged the beneficiaries to make judicious use of the grant in uplifting their living standard, saying the foundation would feel motivated to do more if they demonstrated sufficient commitment. (NAN)