Kano State’s newly appointed Commissioner of Police, Salman Dogo Garba, has issued a strong mandate to his officers to eradicate thuggery and violent crimes, aiming to ensure the safety and security of the state’s residents. In a strategic meeting with Area Commanders, Divisional Police Officers (DPOs), and Tactical and Operational Commanders, Garba outlined his vision for a safer Kano.

Garba expressed his appreciation for the officers’ commitment and dedication to crime fighting despite the challenging security situation in the state. He urged them to intensify their efforts and maintain a steadfast focus on keeping Kano free from criminal activities.

Addressing the issue of police facility maintenance, Garba emphasized the importance of cleanliness and proper upkeep of offices and detention centers. He stressed that a clean and well-maintained environment reflects professionalism and contributes to the overall efficiency of the police force.

Community engagement was another key point in Garba’s directives. He encouraged officers to continue their community policing initiatives, fostering cooperation and trust with local stakeholders. By building strong relationships within the community, Garba believes the police can enhance public safety and effectively combat crime.

In his address, Garba reminded the officers of their supervisory responsibilities, urging them to be actively present and oversee their teams in the field. He highlighted the importance of proactive leadership to inspire confidence and ensure accountability among the ranks.

These measures are part of Garba’s broader efforts to strengthen security in Kano State, aiming to protect the lives and properties of all residents. His focus on cleanliness, community engagement, and robust crime prevention strategies marks a decisive step towards fostering a safer environment for the people of Kano.