Salisu Dahiru, the Director-general of the National Council on Climate Change, has affirmed the Federal Government’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprints.

A carbon footprint refers to the overall volume of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere by an activity, product, company, or nation.

Mr. Dahiru made this declaration on Tuesday in Abuja during the formal introduction and public awareness event of Nigeria’s Long-term Low-emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS).

He said the government’s determination to reduce Nigeria’s carbon footprint can be seen in the inauguration of several initiatives, such as the Electric Buses Rollout Programme and the Carbon Market Activation Programme.

He urged stakeholders to align efforts and contribute their expertise to concrete actions that would propel Nigeria towards a shared vision of a low-emission and climate-resilient.

According to him, LT LEDS is working towards long-term quantifiable greenhouse emissions reductions across Nigeria’s priority sectors.

“In November 2021, Nigeria passed the Climate Change Act that seeks to achieve low greenhouse gas emissions, green and sustainable growth by providing the framework to set a target to reach net zero between 2050 and 2070.

“With this regulatory framework, the Act established the NCCC with the sole responsibility for the coordination and harmonisation of national climate actions among several roles,” he explained.

The NCCC director-general added that the journey to net-zero emissions had begun, and it was already clear that the road would be rough.

According to him, Nigeria’s position is balancing its socioeconomics with climate change initiatives.

“It is to be noted also that in order to mobilise adequate climate finance into the country, there is need for adequate regulatory frameworks and its implementation,” Mr Dahiru said.