The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control has clamped down on a rice factory in Niger State, Jaff Foods Limited, over its unhygienic processing method.

In addition, the NAFDAC seized some unregistered herbal teas from Jonapal Supermarket in Minna and put Golden Age Water’s water dispenser on hold for failing to have batching coding and date marking.

The agency acted on Thursday during a regular inspection of Niger State facilities, which was overseen by Shaba Mohammed, the Director of NAFDAC’s North Central Zone.

Mohammed drew attention to the fact that despite the facility’s agency registration, the production environment lacked good manufacturing practices and was unsanitary.

“The rice processing facility has been sealed and given compliance directives for not complying with the instant regulations for which they were given to produce and certification.

“The place is unhygienic and they are not doing production according to good manufacturing practice,” Mohammed said.

The director continued by saying that the agency also found that a few important company employees lacked production expertise and knew nothing about it.

In response, NAFDAC arranged a one-day workshop for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses to raise awareness among stakeholders and clients regarding Automated Product Administration and Monitoring Systems.

Mohammed claims that NAPAMS is an electronic data capture and e-registration system that offers an online electronic application for NAFDAC product registration.

He asked the public to report anything that could endanger people’s lives to the agency and urged MSMEs to utilize NAPAMS to streamline their communication with the organization.

“This is a call to the general public to report to us anything they notice that is being consumed that will endanger the lives of the people.

“Also, people should always check the expiry dates of anything or products they are buying before purchasing them, if you suspect an expiry date on a product, report to us in NAFDAC” he added

Niger state NAFDAC coordinator, James Kigbu who declared the workshop open, reiterated that the workshop was to sensitise MSME on the NAPAMS portal introduced by the agency for ease of doing business.