Man bags 6 months imprisonment for assaulting lawyer

NEWS DIGEST – An Edo State Magistrate Court has sentenced one Sunny Ajayi to six months imprisonment for assaulting a Benin based lawyer and notary public, Barr. Olayiwola Afolabi.

Sunny who was arraigned on a two-count charge bothering on unlawful assault and detaining of Afolabi.

He was said to have committed the offence on October 22, 2016 at Iyobosa Street, Off New Lagos Road.

The convict pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Police prosecutor, ASP Patrick Agbonifo, called three witnesses in the course of trial.

ASP Agbonifo said the offences contravened 355 and 365 of the Criminal Code law Cap 48, Vol.II Laws of the defunct Bendel State of Nigeria as applicable in Edo State.

Presiding Magistrate, I.A Osayande, found Sunny guilty on count one and discharged him on count two.

Osayande sentenced Sunny to six months imprisonment or an option of N70,000 fine.