Leah Sharibu

One year after Leah Sharibu’s abduction, family decries FG’s silence

NEWS DIGEST–Exactly one year after her abduction by Boko Haram terrorists, the family of Leah Sharibu on Tuesday renewed their call on the Federal Government to be committed to its promise to facilitate her release.

On many occasions, the mother of the victim, Rebecca Sharibu, had broken down in tears, demanding the release of her daughter.

On Tuesday, her friend and senior lecturer in the Department of Political Science, University of Jos, Dr Gloria Puldu, in an interview with The PUNCH, said the government should act on its promise to secure Leah’s freedom.

She said, “We are not in a position to evaluate what the government has done or not done. All the family is asking for is Leah’s release. Let the government keep to its promise. We want Leah back home just like the other girls from her school who were with her in captivity were set free. She should also be set free from Boko Haram.

“No news from the government or the terrorists; we just saw on TV, (after we held the press conference) the Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed, saying Leah was not dead but ‘absolutely alive’ and that was all we heard.

“No government official has reached out to the family to let them know if they are doing something concerning the promise they made in October or even what is happening with their daughter since they said she was alive (and not dead as rumoured in the past weeks).

She added, “Remember, the family held a press conference on February 10, calling on all to petition God and government for Leah’s release. We will like to appeal to all well-meaning people not to forget about Leah in captivity. Here, we are today, she is 365 days in captivity.

“On this day last year, Leah Sharibu was kidnapped by terrorists while she was at school in Dapchi, Nigeria. She was taken along with over 100 schoolmates. One month later, the others were released, but not Leah.”

She recalled that Leah was held in captivity because she refused to renounce her Christian faith and called for prayer and fasting towards her release.