Nigerian Lawmaker escapes with House Mace

NEWS DIGEST – A member of the Gombe State House of Assembly, Abdullahi Abubakar Maiwanka, has taken away the house mace. The assembly member fled with the Mace and ran away from the assembly premises in the process.

Maiwanka who is a member of APC representing Akko West constituency, went to the table while the house was on plenary and took away the mace and speed up from the house in his car.

Staff of the assembly who crave for anonymity, said Abubakar was assisted by a member representing Gombe-south constituency, Mohammed A. Bello who held the Sergeant-at-Arms to allow him took the mace.

According to eye witnesses, police at the gate of the house shot his car tyres in an attempt to stop him. But he managed to escaped unhurt with a shattered windscreen and flat tyres.

He later abandoned the car at New Mile 3, along Gombe-Yola road.

According to Daily Trust Newspaper the action was prompted by the failure of three out of the eight members of the APC in the house to impeach the Minority Leader, Ahmed
Usman Haruna.

Sources say the purported impeachment of the minority leader is connected with the recent press conference he granted, where he challenged the outcomes of the recent
APC congress in the state.

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