Timi frank

Don’t trust labour over minimum wage, Timi Frank warns workers

NEWS DIGEST–A former Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress, Timi Frank, has warned workers not to take labour leaders seriously as they fight for the implementation of the N30,000 new minimum wage.

Frank said the “politicised labour union is one of the problems of Nigeria” as they had refused to take the action to resist bad policies of the government.

The activist said he believed labour leaders were “making empty threats so as to be seen as serving the interest of their members” while they hobnobbed with top officials of the government.

While urging Nigerians to ignore the threat, because the agitation of the Nigeria Labour Congress came too late, Frank alleged that some of the labour leaders had been compromised.

He was reacting to the threat by the organised labour to go on strike if the Federal Government refused to meet their demands.

The political activist lamented that with the current charges imposed on telecommunications providers, Value Added Tax, increased bank charges, proposed tollgates and partial closure of land borders, “the N30,000 minimum wage has become useless.”