Protest: Kano varsity dissolves Students Union, insists all students must pay fine

NEWS DIGEST -The Kano University of Science and Technology, KUST Wudil on Monday dissolved the Students Union Government, SUG of the university over its alleged failure to avert the damage done to the university during students’ riot.

DAILY NIGERIAN had reported that a level 300 student of Biology (Education), Farouk Abubakar drowned in a river on May 2, a situation that sparked riot by students of the university on the premise that the school authority was not forthcoming in rescuing the deceased.

However, the Vice Chancellor of the university, Shehu Musa, announced the dissolution of the SUG at a Press Conference at the university’s Kano City Campus.

Mr Musa, a professor, lamented that the actions of the students had cost the university a monumental damage during the protest.

According to him, it is disheartening to know that the protesting students, during the riot, went on rampage to destroy state-of-the-art equipment worth over N500 million.

The VC also revealed that about “21 areas were damaged and more than 100 valuable items destroyed”, adding that the items include a sophisticated ambulance worth over N40 million.

Other affected areas, according to the VC, include the university’s ICT Centre equipment, valued at N250 million, vehicles, the new and old clinics, Security Unit, female and male hostels.

Others include, Research Laboratory, Science Lecture Hall and classroom, Directorate of General Stdudies, Allah signposts and billboards, among others.

He revealed that after consultations, the Senate of the university at its 84th meeting resolved that each student shall pay the sum of N13, 000 penalty for vandalization of the equipment.

He also disclosed that the Senate approved the reopening of the university on Monday, July 9.

He also debunked rumors making the round that the students were asked to pay N17,000 penalty, explaining that the students would pay N13,000 penalty and N4,000 medical screening charges respectively.

“Sequel to the apparent failure of the Students’ Union Government executives to discharge their functions as provided in the 2013/14 SUG constitution, the Vice Chancellor professor Shehu Musa Alhaji, in the performance of his statutory responsibilities, as enshrined in the university law, hereby dissolves the student union government executives with immediate effect.

“Henceforth, the students executives ceased to be representatives if the students on any matter affecting the running of the university, as well as handover to the Dean of affairs, property and documents in their custody.

“After due consultations, senate of the university at its 84th meeting approved the reopening of the university on Monday, July 9, 2018. While students are mandated to pay a penalty of N13,000 against the reported N17, 000 including, a medical screening charges of N4,000 for all students on the July 9,” he said.

The VC noted that in the interim a Student Representative Committee, SRC, would soon be constituted and inaugurated to address matters of interest of all students of the university.

He finally said, the university management resolved that in order to ensure progress, stability, urged all law abiding students of the university to remain calm and obedient during their resumption period.

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