The Kano State Police Command has commended residents for their peaceful behaviour as Emirs Muhammad Sanusi II and Aminu Bayero presided over Friday prayers simultaneously in Kano.

The throne is being claimed by both Emirs. Governor Abba Yusuf restored Sanusi to his position, but Bayero is suing to overthrow him.

The police warned possible troublemakers to avoid Kano as clashes between the supporters of the two parties were expected to occur.

Bayero observed his prayers at Nasarawa Palace while Sanusi led at the Central Mosque.

In an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria on Friday, Commissioner of Police Mr. Usaini Gumel stated that prayers were held in a calm manner in all 44 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the state.

“I am very pleased with the orderly manner faithful residents conducted themselves before, during, and after the prayers without rancour in all parts of the state,” the police boss said.

The commissioner commended the people for their collaboration with law enforcement officers stationed both inside and outside the city, which led to the absence of any recorded crimes.

In order to maintain peaceful coexistence in the state, he urged citizens to keep assisting the police.

“This is a testament to the effective collaboration between law enforcement and the community.

“The police command looks forward to continued partnership in maintaining peace and order in the state,” he said.